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Zenith Total Health Membership
Module 1: Living Intuitively
How to Start Living Intuitively (11:22)
Binge-Restrict-Balance Pendulum (8:39)
Workbook Download
Module 2: Honoring Your Body's Cues
Hunger and Fullness (15:29)
The Different Kinds of Hunger (11:43)
Workbook Download
Module 3: Strategies for More Energy & Better Sleep
Why You Have No Energy... (29:26)
Setting Up Your Sleep Environment
Your Personalized Wellness-Boosting Bedtime Routine
Pro-Sleep Daily Habits
Module 4: Meal Planning & Prepping the Zenith Way
The Simple Meal Planning Method (36:50)
Module 5: Adjusting Your Mindset to Achieve Lasting Health
The 5-Day Undiet Challenge Action Plan
Module 6: Stress Relief for Any Situation
Stress Relief & Relaxation
5-Day Mindfulness Challenge
Module 7: Creating a Nourishing Morning Routine
Group Coaching & Support Call Details
Binge-Restrict-Balance Pendulum
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